2022 opens with the promise of a return to normalcy, albeit in a new form and a new form that we are all still trying to discover. While we realize that there will be hardships ahead in the near term (as we continue to learn to live with COVID for many years), the ever-increasing rate of vaccination brings the promise that we will emerge into a new reality in 2022.
The way we work, live and play has been shaped at different times by innovation, regulations and external shocks. In the past, the advent of mechanical production systems in the 18th century, electrical systems in the 19th century and computer systems in the 20th century have led to significant changes in the world. The ongoing rate of digitalization has been accelerated by the pandemic and digitalization may be the driving force of change in the 21st century. Leading companies have embraced the reality that change has come, and the past may never come back. Apple Inc made $124 billion in sales in Q4 2021, evidencing the fact that digitalization and the progression of the connected economy is unstoppable, and people and businesses refuse to go backward.
Leaders must accept that we cannot change the past,but we can shape the future. Shaping the future will also not be easy. Leaders will need new tools, fresh ideas, robust partnerships, grit, and a growth mindset to be able to use the opportunity of a new year to create new beginnings.
This quote by the Buddha summarizes the zeitgeist of this time “No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.”
No matter how previous years have been, this is the time for leaders to pave a way forward and not desire a return to what was normal but to deliberately reach forward to what is next. Progress depends on how each leader pushes the organization to move forward, to explore opportunities and create solutions designed to fulfill the needs of the customers. Uncommon success will require unusual tactics and commitment. According to George Bernard Shaw, “the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.“ Growth is possible but it will require new thinking. Continue to stay safe and maintain focus on pressing the growth pedal.
Happy new year!!!
Niyi Yusuf
Managing Partner.